Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mashed Potatoes

I often write down the crazy things kids say while I am sitting with them at their lessons. They probably think I am writing their assignment for next time, but really I am directly quoting their ridiculous outbursts.

I recently found a small sheet paper folded up in a pair of jeans I hadn't worn for a while. This is all it said:

X: My fingers smell like mashed potatoes
Me: Did you eat mashed potatoes?
X: No. I think our soap is old.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Ha! This reminds me of what I do with the kids' comments. We keep a "Funny things the kids say" list on the computer to save for...I don't know. Maybe to read for their wedding day toasts?

Favorite quotations? "Nothing can stop me from doing math. Not griffins or dragons" and "Liz- a butterfly pooped in your pants".