Saturday, March 1, 2008


I am in Auckland, NZ staying with some friends of my sister. I have been here now for a couple of days. The jetlag wasn't as bad as I had anticipated--in fact, it really wasn't bad at all. The flight was long but not too terrible, except for the fact that the airline mixed up my request for a vegetarian meal.

So far, I been soaking up the warmth (and what little sun has been around--it's been rainy) and learning as many Kiwi phrases as possible.

We just booked a flight to the South Island for next week. We are flying into Christchurch, on the East side of the island, and then flying out of Queenstown, further west and south, a couple of weeks later.

There are two kids who live here every other weekend, and they are here this weekend. They are having a blast making fun of the things I say, like "groceries," and, "sidewalk." (They say "shopping," and "footpath".)

There is a huge hill just across the way from the flat we are staying in, and Kjersti and I climbed in yesterday. We had to make our way through the cows grazing at the bottom of the hill. Apparently the cows climb the hill too, because the whole way up we had to side step the cow shit (and Kjersti was barefoot). At the top of the hill, we could see a panoramic view of downtown Auckland and the ocean. It was beautiful!

There are so many beautiful things ahead. When I introduce myself and say I just got here and that I am from the states, the first thing people say is, "Have you been to the South Island yet?" I am very excited to travel with Kjersti and Steph to the South Island!

Also, the New Zealanders looooove to make fun of the Aussies and the Crown. Also, people outside of Auckland rag on Aucklanders. There is even a legitimate term, Jafa, which stands for Just Another Fuckin' Aucklander. In fact, last night we turned on the tv and watched a local program which had made a documentary about Jafas. No joke.

Alright--I am off to drink coffee in the sun that is trying to break through. Imagine--in St. Paul it snowed the other day and it's cold, and here I am in a T-shirt and capris! Yes!

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